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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you like to shop?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) November 17th, 2015

If so, what kinds of stores do you like to shop in, and for what products, and why do you like it?

I hate HATE shopping for a specific, hard to find item. I hate crowded malls. When I go to the grocery store, I’m in and out, while my husband just loves to meander.

I do enjoy meandering through DIY hardware stores like Lowes. I like looking at the lamps and the kitchen ideas, and I especially love the smell of cut wood.

I hate malls, and I hate shopping for new clothes there.

I enjoy nosing about at garage sales, and when ever I go to the Goodwill I will just wander around a while to see if anything jumps out at me.

But as for shopping for specific things, I don’t like it.

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19 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NOPE, not at all and really dislike clothes shopping,I don’t mind certain shopping if I am after a certain item but that is it.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t like malls, at all, not big on clothes shopping either but, there is one little boutique store I love that I have shopped at for years, but now it is in my old area so I don;t get over there much.
I am not thrilled to go grocery shopping but…I do love shopping for art and decorative items for my house over the years. Thrift stores, other stores, consignment shops, craigslist, I love finding cool artsy stuff, but again, now that I have seriously downsized, not doing much of that.

OriginalCunningFox's avatar

When my sisters and I were little we used to go play “house” in the kitchen and bath displays at Menards while our parents shopped. Just a fun memory I thought of when I read this question.

I do like to shop, but it depends on the circumstances! If it’s for food or other house things, BORING. But if it’s clothes or shoes, I’M IN.
I especially love when my grandma takes my sister, my cousin, and I clothes shopping. The woman spoils us too much lol. We just walk into Kohl’s and she says “Okay. Go pick out whatever yous wants. Don’t worry about the price.”
Don’t worry, we don’t take advantage of her and we only get a few items each, but it’s still really fun. ;)

Seek's avatar

I love shopping for housewares, tools, hardware, etc. I really enjoy thrift stores, flea markets, and antique malls.

Shopping for shoes and bras can bring me to tears of frustration.

@Dutchess_III, we should hang out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You betcha!

jca's avatar

I like to hit the clearance racks (or clearance on a website). I like to shop for certain things, such as craft items that I may need to do a project.

I’m known for getting great prices at the best stores. I use sales and then coupons on top of that, I’ll also shop at “regular joe” stores like Walmart, Kmart and Kohl’s. I’ll check Lands End after the season ends to get good clearance stuff (bathing suits in January, for example, or scarves in May). I love Costco and Sam’s Club to get decent things at great prices (Calvin Klein raincoat, $50, etc.)

If I’m looking to decoupage something, I’ll check Goodwill to see if I can find something to refinish, like a jewelry box.

If I need something, for example, something to wear to a wedding, then it may not be as much fun, as there’s more pressure to find a certain type of item, and of course, price is always something that drives me.

I’ll click around Amazon sometimes to see what I see.

ucme's avatar

Yeah I do, the shop is my playground, my cash is the ride.
That was #189 in a series of terrible analogies, at your local bookstore now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d be willing to bet that people who have money to spare, and can buy anything that catches their fancy like to shop. I know I would!

Pandora's avatar

I hate and love shopping. I hate shopping with my husband. He always wants to get in and out. I love to shop by myself because it lets me explore (like your husband, meander) and look for unusual items that may make cleaning easier, or add to a decor I have, or something that may serve more than one purpose and so I can replace two items or more. Or it may remind me of an item that has been on my list for months to buy but I kept forgetting to jot down because it isn’t an item that gets used quickly.
I do prefer to go shopping for everything on one day and get it over with for the month.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I love window shopping. The best shop for me is the book shops. I can spend hours looking at books and still feel excited though I often end up buying nothing.

I like shopping in malls too, but that’s because it’s another chance to hang out with my family or friends. Electronic shops are fine. And I have neutral feeling for clothes shops.

And don’t ever talk to me about hardware shops.

jca's avatar

You know what I do when I have the urge to shop? I go to Macy’s and hit the clearance jewelry rack. I get great jewelry for only a few bucks each. It’s hit or miss, of course. Sometimes they don’t have anything great. Sometimes I get a few things, maybe for ten to twenty bucks total. After the sale and the coupon, sometimes the things are only four or five bucks each. That will be like my little “shopping fix.”

Coloma's avatar

Uh oh, I did forget to mention amazon, haha I love online shopping.

Seek's avatar

Sometimes, when insomnia hits, I search Amazon for random things under $5 with free shipping. By the time they actually make it to my house from China, I’ve forgotten I ordered them. It’s like getting surprise gifts in the mail.

“Oh, Self, thank you! I did need a new set of seam rippers! You shouldn’t have!”
“Don’t mention it, Me, I deserve it.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, and then there’s Amazon! For every 1 thing I buy, I’ve looked at 40 other things, some related, some not.

LOL @Seek! I do seam rippers too! I don’t sew, but I do rip. ;) I found these gawd awful, but oh so comfy flannel pants at Goodwill…I think they’re pajama pants. They were perfect, but just a tiny bit short so they didn’t quite break on my foot, so I ripped the bottom seam out while watching Mississippi Burning. And I had them on at the time. Now they’re perfect.

They’re so warm and groovy looking. They have a beige and black tiger pattern, so I look like a snow tiger! O I also happen to have some black and white fuzzy slippers that have a leopard print pattern to wear with them. I would never wear either of them out in public….well, except…maybe….to you know where. And I’d pretend my debit card was a SNAP card. But if I did that, I’d accessorize with some of @jca‘s cheap Macy’s Jewlery so I’d look nice….well, actually I’d probably look like aging Madam…. :(

Coloma's avatar

^^^ I’m going to go to our local Goodwill here and look around this week, I haven’t gone forever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wish I could come with you. I wonder how it would differ, being in Ca and all.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III The Goodwill here is pretty huge, but there is one in the capital city that is in an affluent part of town and man, they have some really nice stuff. I used to go there whenever I went down to see friends and I got more really nice clothes and tons of nice sleepwear, PJ’s, nighties, etc. It was located in one of the more wealthy parts of town and it showed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I lived in Wichita I used to go to a DAV store that was about a mile from a very affluent part of town. They were..what do you call it, not part of the city, but surrounded by the city. Subdivision? You had to go through it to get to the Mall on the other side. I avoided getting a ticket there when I was a teenager. Oh, I got some amazing stuff at that DAV.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

No not at all. I prefer online shopping. I love the grocery run but NOTHING else.

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