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KRD's avatar

What will you be doing for Thanksgiving this year?

Asked by KRD (5264points) November 17th, 2021
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25 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

We’re just having a quiet day, my daughter and I, eating lavish sides and watching movies and playing with the dog.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dinner with MY family, this HIS family, then games after dinner like cards or domino’s with a beer or glass of wine. Sometimes a movie. His brothers are so loud, you can’t hear anything but them though. haha!

Forever_Free's avatar

opening a can of tuna fish and sharing it with all the feral cats in the neighborhood.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Fluthering and YouTube and shopping on Amazon Prime. Calling my mom. I missed Canadian thanks giving. I will order out something nice for supper. Also lots of napping.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I will read the epistle at the Thanksgiving morning service at my church, and then dinner will be at the home of close friends. An older friend is going with me this year, because all her family will be off island this year. We will stuff ourselves and then play fun games.

janbb's avatar

Going to my brother’s and staying overnight. My nephew is cooking.

jca2's avatar

Someone in my family belongs to an exclusive club – one of those clubs that are for titans of industry or whatever, about 70k to join, 25k a year, etc. Anyway, she invited us and other family members, and it’s the first time we’re meeting her boyfriend, who she’s been going out with since pre-pandemic. I know it’s important to her which is why we’re attending, and we’re staying overnight the night before in one of the rooms at the club. What is stressing me out is that the club has a strict dress code for indoors, and in the Dining Room especially. If you are coming and going and not meeting the dress code, you have to use a separate entrance. If not for the fact that this is an important family get-together, I’d rather skip the club with the dress code. I’d be just as happy to visit local friends, totally casual.

What I’m hoping is to get some holiday photos of my daughter so I can use them for the annual Christmas card, and get it printed up so it’s not last minute like it usually is.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Nothing. One kid going up to my ex-wife’s with family. The other one going to Europe with a friend.

Just me at home. Although I may go railfanning for a day or two in South Georgia.

jca2's avatar

I remember a few years ago, one of my friends at work told me on Thanksgiving, since her two adult children were on the other side of the country, she was going to spend Thanksgiving at home alone in sweatpants, eating snacks and fun foods and watching movies on TV. To me, that sounded like the best day.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 That’s pretty much been my Christmas day the last few years.

chyna's avatar

@Forever_Free You are more than welcome to come to my house for dinner. I’ll be making a turkey breast and mashed potatoes and my brother and his wife will be bringing green beans and a couple of other sides.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Thanksgiving service? Interesting, we usually skip for this one holiday.

@elbanditoroso Railfanning? Like trains?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@KNOWITALL yes, Episcopalians enjoy services on holidays like Thanksgiving.

cookieman's avatar

Watching the Macy’s Parade in the morning followed by the Puppy Bowl. My cousins and some friends will come for dinner in the afternoon. Should be about fifteen of us.

Dutchess_III's avatar

With my son and his family. I just kinda dread a repeat of the last time. His wife works in food service (it’s where they met) so she used a whole lot of preboxed stuff. It was the most insipid Thankgiving dinner ever. The stuffing was Stove Top, the green bean casserole was runny, the turkey was bland with out my stuffing. I don’t think she has the faintest idea how to cook outside of the industry.
However, I texted my son and asked if he wanted the recipie for his Aunt Karen’s (his dad’s sister) stuffing recipie. He said yes so I let it fly.
It’s not just the food…it’s our traditions I don’t want to see die.
I don’t think his wife’s family even has any traditions.

filmfann's avatar

first time with my entire family in 3 years! I am excited!

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’ll get to see my 87 year old father for the first time since mid-March of last year. He’s coming up to Wisconsin with our two adult sons who also live in Illinois. My father hasn’t visited our new home here in Wisconsin. I can’t wait to see him and spend time with all three of my sons.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Grand children may go with their mom to their other grand parents house this year (my son and his wife are separated, but we switch off holidays each year) so it will probably be just me, Mamma Bear, and our son. Usual T.G. dinner, and watching the Cowboys play. If the kiddos and DIL don’t text us or call us that they will be coming over later in the evening, after they leave the other place, I may go to work and take advantage of the double pay. My Sis and nieces had invited us to their place in Kansas this year, but Sis started having medical issues again and is back in the hospital. So of course that will be a no go now. May be just as well, I don’t relish travelling on holidays. Way to many intoxicated morons on the road, and it can take four hours just to get out of Texas. @jca2 Putting on the Ritz this year huh? Send us pics, please!

King_Galaxius's avatar

I will probably be laying down and occasionally peek through the blinds. Also, I might watch some Indian movies. I already did my holiday wishes for the whole year in advance. This includes wishing everyone a happy new year.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband and I are having dinner with another couple. Nothing special. Typical Thanksgiving food, some of the meal is from scratch and some isn’t. Maybe go swimming. I assume my husband will want to watch some football. My husband’s brother is coming the day after Thanksgiving for an undecided amount of time.

Cupcake's avatar

We’ve got 6 family members flying in to town to stay with us for various amounts of time (4–8 days) to spend Thanksgiving together. I am both very excited and very nervous/overwhelmed at the thought. But I can’t wait to see my oldest kiddo and my parents. My mom is the only one who has already visited us, so I look forward to showing folks where we live now. I don’t plan on going all out for the Thanksgiving meal, but we’ll cook some delicious food in a low-stress environment.

cookieman's avatar

”for an undecided amount of time.”

@JLeslie: Is that exciting or troubling for you?

JLeslie's avatar

@cookieman It’s fine with me, I’m the one who proposed it. He’s going through a bad time and I just wanted him to feel welcome without having to decide dates, so we offered to fly him down to Florida.

First he is having Thanksgiving with his parents in South FL, then taking the train up to us (4 hour train ride, I’m an hour north of Orlando). If he’s enjoying himself he can stay for a while, if he wants to leave he can fly back within a few days. I really hope he enjoys it here and wants to stay a couple of weeks. His husband isn’t coming, so I’m sure he won’t want to stay here too long with Christmas coming.

When my family comes to where I live they want to do everything, they write up a calendar full of activities. My husband’s family are less likely to participate or even bother to read what’s available, but I’m not sure about his brother. We’ll see.

Forever_Free's avatar

I will be celebrating the day with my Family. First time to see my Mom and Siblings since Pre-Covid. Hoping there will not be any crazies on the airplane.

jca2's avatar

One of my friends said she’s hosting a Pajama Thanksgiving, and inviting the guests to wear their pajamas. I think that sounds great!

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