General Question

KRD's avatar

Why won't my mic work?

Asked by KRD (5264points) September 13th, 2022

About a week ago I had a data breach on my laptop. Fortunately, the hackers couldn’t get anything because I used Bitafinder. I did a couple scans to see what the issue was. Later, I was playing Fortnite with my friends and my mic stopped working. I could hear my friends talk but I couldn’t talk. When I went on discord my mic wasn’t working on there either. checked my settings and my mic was on but it wasn’t working. I tried my built in mic and a mic on my earbuds. Both didn’t work. I have no Idea what to do. Can someone help!?

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12 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

It could be a zillion things. From what you’re saying, I’d seriously suspect the audio driver (which is software).

But in Windows, it could be a control-panel / settings / audio issue.

Hard to say without more detail.

KRD's avatar

I know I did stop one of the scans before it was complete.

Forever_Free's avatar

@KRD scans should have nothing to do with it. What operating System? Windows, Linux, MAC, AIX, Solaris, pick one.

KRD's avatar


Forever_Free's avatar

What version Windows?

Either way you are closer. Right Click on the volume bar in the system tray. Open Sound setting or click on Troubleshooter if presented that option.
Go to advanced settings and see if the driver is missing or disable.

KRD's avatar

I’m getting a tech person to fix it.

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KRD's avatar

I got it working! It was something in my settings.

Forever_Free's avatar

thanks for the follow-up. glad you are set

MISPRINT's avatar

It sounds like there may be an issue with your computer’s audio settings or hardware. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the problem:

1. Restart your computer. Sometimes, this can resolve issues with the audio settings or hardware.
2. Check your audio settings in both Fortnite and Discord to make sure your microphone is selected and enabled.
3. Make sure your microphone is properly connected to your computer and is not damaged or broken.
4. Try using a different microphone to see if the issue is with the hardware or software.
5. If you are using a separate microphone, try adjusting the input levels in your audio settings to make sure the microphone is not too loud or too quiet.
6. If the issue persists, you may need to update your audio drivers or try reinstalling the audio software on your computer.
If you are still unable to get your microphone to work, you may need to contact customer support for Fortnite or Discord for further assistance.

KRD's avatar

@MISPRINT I keep those tips in mind when my mic stops working again.

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